Node TAP 21.0.0

tap Code Coverage

Code coverage is an essential element of any software testing strategy. Without verifiable and complete coverage of the system under test, it is significantly more difficult to have confidence that the tests are in fact testing what we think.

Empirical evidence has shown that human intuition is a poor judge of test completeness. Code coverage is thus the "test for the tests", verifying that the tests are in fact testing the code. Nothing is perfect, and it is of course possible to write bad tests with full code coverage, but lacking test coverage virtually gaurantees that tests are inadequate.

As the saying goes, seatbelts don't make you immortal, but they're still a good idea.

A module with 99% code coverage can be considered as two modules; a large one that is tested, and a smaller one with no tests at all. If code is worth testing, it's worth testing completely.

For that reason, the tap runner instruments code using the built in V8 coverage API, and considers incomplete coverage to be a test failure. If code coverage is complete, no coverage report is generated. If it is incomplete, or if no coverage is generated at all, then a report is printed and the process exits with an error status code.

Reporting Coverage#

Tap uses essentially the same strategy as C8, but instead of generating coverage information for all JavaScript that passes through the interpreter, it only saves coverage for the files that are part of your program. This saves a considerable amount of disk space and, more importantly, processing time.

To generate coverage reports, tap uses the C8 Reporter class. Thus, any istanbul reporters can be used with tap, either with the tap report command or with the --coverage-report. See the CLI documentation for more information about these commands and options.

By default when running tests and using the text reporter, coverage information is only reported to the terminal if it is lacking, and then only for the files that are lacking coverage, since a list of green 100% doesn't give you much useful information. To show all coverage, you can use the --show-full-coverage configuration option.

Coverage Maps#

In order to get even more benefit from code coverage analysis, it is often useful to limit the coverage provided by a given test to just a single module in your codebase. This prevents "accidental coverage", where a section of code is covered by integrations, but lacks explicit unit test verification.

To use a coverage map, create a module that default exports (either with export default in ESM, or module.exports = ... in CommonJS) a function that maps a test file to a file in the program. If using TypeScript or some other transpiled JavaScript dialect, the coverage map should return the path to the source file, not the built artifact. Then, set that module path as the --coverage-map config value.

For example, you might have source in src/foo.ts and src/bar.ts, with corresponding tests in test/foo.ts and test/bar.ts. A coverage map might look like this:

// map.mjs
export default (testFile) => testFile.replace(/^test/, 'src')

Then, if you put this in your .taprc file, it will ensure that only the test for a given unit will provide coverage for that module, gauranteeing that you are not relying on accidental coverage:

# .taprc
coverage-map: map.mjs

The coverage map can return null, a string, an array of strings, or an empty array.

If it returns null, then no coverage will be generated for the test in question.

If it returns a string or string array, then it will only generate coverage for the file(s) listed.

If it returns an empty array, then it will generate coverage for any source files loaded. (This is the default behavior if no coverage map is used.)

To extend the previous example, consider if we have a set of integration tests at test/integration/*.ts. We want to ensure that our unit tests are complete, and use the integration tests only to verify certain edge cases or smoke tests, without regard for coverage.

In that case, we could create a coverage map like this:

// map.mjs
export default (testFile) =>
  /^test\/integration/.test(testFile) ? null
  : testFile.replace(/^test/, 'src')

Handling Impossible Cases#

There may be cases where a code path is actually impossible, but rather than delete it, we may want to keep it as a defensive measure. For example, we might have a limited set of enumerated values, and a switch statement that handles all of them.

switch (enumValue) {
  case firstValue: return handleFirstValue()
  case secondValue: return handleSecondValue()
  // ... all other possible values ...
    throw new Error('invalid enumValue: ' + enumValue)

This is good defensive code, but if the value is coming from elsewhere in our program, it might not be possible to trigger this case.

Because tap uses C8 for its coverage generation, you can use /* c8 ignore ... comments to exclude lines or blocks from coverage consideration.

switch (enumValue) {
  case firstValue: return handleFirstValue()
  case secondValue: return handleSecondValue()
  // ... all other possible values ...
  /* c8 ignore start */
    throw new Error('invalid enumValue: ' + enumValue)
  /* c8 ignore stop */

Is it actually impossible to cover? Or just annoying?#

It is worth thinking carefully about whether it really is impossible to test an "impossible" edge case. A common policy is to require that every c8 ignore comment includes a justification for why that section of code is untestable. (A common justification is "TypeScript thinks this might be undefined" around excessively defensive type checks.)

By carefully splitting a program into modules, and using the t.mockRequire or t.mockImport methods to inject dependencies, or the t.intercept and t.capture methods to override methods and properties of objects, it is often possible to provide coverage for "impossible" edge cases quite easily. Of course, if you mock your whole program, you aren't testing much, but it's a useful tool for getting into many tricky corners.

The @tapjs/clock plugin can also be added to handle subtle timing edge cases.

If you find yourself using c8 ignore for things like error conditions and platform-specific behaviors, it should be treated as a code smell indicating that the code can likely be more effectively factored and tested.

Disabling Coverage, Accepting Missing/Incomplete Coverage#

WARNING: This is almost always a bad idea. It reduces the value of your tests.

In some cases, you may need to tell the test runner to not fail if the coverage is missing or incomplete. For example, you may be in the process of transitioning a legacy codebase to proper test coverage, or using tap along with another tool to test other parts of your program.

You can use the following options to facilitate this unusual situation: