Node TAP 21.0.0

tap Reporting Results

While TAP is intended to be both machine parseable and human intelligible, and the raw TAP content is often a good way to see exactly what is happening with a test, it tends to be quite a bit too noisy for regular ergonomic human consumption.

For this reason, tap comes with an ink-based reporter system, and additional reporters can be added as well.

You can specify the reporter to use with the --reporter config option. Custom reporters can be an Ink-based React component, a Stream class, or a CLI program.

Included Reporters#

The base reporter is the one that tap uses by default. It shows information about tests as they are running in parallel, and aims to be verbose enough to show you what's going on, without showing more information that is useful.

If the base reporter is too noisy for your liking, you can use the terse reporter, which is similar, but prints much less information, or min or dot which are even terser, or silent which is as terse as it gets.

If the base report is not noisy enough, try running with --passes to show all passing assertions, or -R tap to print out the raw TAP data. If that's still not enough, you can run with --debug to see all the inner workings of tap's machinery. (This is really only good for debugging tap itself.)

All the reporters are designed to be as accessible as possible, featuring diff and syntax highlighting color choices that are amenable to any level of color sensitivity.

 PASS  docs/foo.test.js 2 OK 392ms

  🌈   TEST COMPLETE 🌈    

Asserts:  2 pass  0 fail  2 of 2 complete
Suites:   1 pass  0 fail  1 of 1 complete

# { total: 2, pass: 2 }
# time=426.889ms

An example with a bit more going on:

 FAIL  test/tap.test.js 3 failed 6 todo 6 skip of 30 325ms
 ~ a test that is entirely skipped
 ~ skipped with a message
 ~ stringOrNull > a failure skipped
 ~ stringOrNull > a pass skipped
 ~ stringOrNull > a failure skipped with message message
 ~ stringOrNull > a pass skipped with message message
  a test marked todo
  todo with a message
  stringOrNull > a failure marked todo
  stringOrNull > a pass marked todo
  stringOrNull > todo failure with message message
  stringOrNull > todo pass with message message
    suite of tests that fail > uhoh, this one throws > Invalid time value lib/index.mjs:11:43
    suite of tests that fail > failer > should be equal test/tap.test.js:51:7
    suite of tests that fail > failer > should be equal test/tap.test.js:53:7

File       | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files  |   89.47 |      100 |      80 |   89.47 |                  
 index.mjs |   89.47 |      100 |      80 |   89.47 | 18-19            

  🌈   TEST COMPLETE 🌈    

 FAIL  test/tap.test.js 3 failed 6 todo 6 skip of 30 325ms
 ~ a test that is entirely skipped
 ~ skipped with a message
 ~ stringOrNull > a failure skipped
 ~ stringOrNull > a pass skipped
 ~ stringOrNull > a failure skipped with message message
 ~ stringOrNull > a pass skipped with message message
  a test marked todo
  todo with a message
  stringOrNull > a failure marked todo
  stringOrNull > a pass marked todo
  stringOrNull > todo failure with message message
  stringOrNull > todo pass with message message

    suite of tests that fail > uhoh, this one throws > Invalid time value
     9 // This is a function that throws, to show how both       
    10 // handle errors.                                         
    11 export const thrower = (n) => new Date(n).toISOString()   
    13 // one that fails, to show how failures are handled       
    14 export const failer = (n) => String(n + 1)                
    type: RangeError
    tapCaught: testFunctionThrow
    Date.toISOString (<anonymous>)
    thrower (lib/index.mjs:11:43)
    Test.<anonymous> (test/tap.test.js:43:13)

    suite of tests that fail > failer > should be equal
    48     t.equal(failer(1), '2')                                          
    49     t.equal(failer(-1), '0')                                         
    50     // expect to convert string numbers to Number, but doesn't       
    51     t.equal(failer('1'), '2')                                        
    52     // expect to convert non-numerics to 0, but it doesn't           
    53     t.equal(failer({}), '1')                                         
    54     t.end()                                                          
    55   })                                                                 
    --- expected   
    +++ actual     
    @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
    compare: ===
    Test.<anonymous> (test/tap.test.js:51:7)
    Test.<anonymous> (test/tap.test.js:47:5)

    suite of tests that fail > failer > should be equal
    50     // expect to convert string numbers to Number, but doesn't       
    51     t.equal(failer('1'), '2')                                        
    52     // expect to convert non-numerics to 0, but it doesn't           
    53     t.equal(failer({}), '1')                                         
    54     t.end()                                                          
    55   })                                                                 
    57   t.end()                                                            
    --- expected     
    +++ actual       
    @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@  
    +[object Object]1
    compare: ===
    Test.<anonymous> (test/tap.test.js:53:7)
    Test.<anonymous> (test/tap.test.js:47:5)

Asserts:  15 pass  3 fail  6 skip  6 todo  18 of 30 complete
Suites:    0 pass  1 fail  0 skip            1 of 1 complete

# { total: 30, pass: 15, fail: 3, todo: 6, skip: 6 }
# time=437.285ms

The included reporters are:

Those are just the built-in reports. You can write your own using the @tapjs/reporter library.

Reporting to a File#

Particularly for the JSON, XML, or Markdown reporters, it can be useful to pipe to a file.

To do this, you can set the --reporter-file option (shorthand: -f) to a path on disk. For example:

$ # write the xml to rspec.xml
$ tap -R junit --reporter-file rspec.xml

You can also use the replay command in this case to output a human-friendly report only on test failure:

$ # will create xml file, only print verbose report on failure
$ tap -R junit --reporter-file rspec.xml || tap replay

Ink-Based Reporters#

To use a custom reporter written in Ink, set the --reporter config option to the module which default-exports a React tag taking a TAP object as the tap attribute, and a LoadedConfig object as the config attribute.

Stream-Based Reporters#

Alternatively, you can set --reporter to a module that default-exports a Writable Stream class. (That is, a class with write and end methods on its prototype.)

In this case, the class will be instantiated with no arguments, and the root TAP test will be piped into it.

CLI-Based Reporters#

Lastly, you can provide a name of an executable program, which will receive the TAP content on its standard input.

In this case, the --reporter-arg config options may be used to set the arguments to the reporter program.

For example,

$ npm install --save-dev tap-mocha-reporter
$ tap --color -R tap-mocha-reporter -r nyan
 871 _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__,------,
 0   _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__|  /\_/\  
 0   _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~|_( ^ .^)  
     _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ""  ""  

  871 passing (2s)