Node TAP 21.0.0

Upgrading to tap 18 from tap v16 and before

Tap version 18 is a major overhaul, and some configuration needs to be updated when upgrading from versions 16 and before.

The changelog covers much of the details, but this is intended to be a more deliberate guide for users depending on features that have changed.

Fixtures, coverage, and processinfo moved to one folder#

This stuff is all stored in the .tap folder now. If you were previously ignoring /coverage, /.nyc_info, and/or .tap-testdir-*, you can now replace that with just /.tap.


In tap 16, a top-level function tap.mochaGlobals() would dump the various mocha-like interfaces onto the global object.

In tap 18, these are provided by the optional @tapjs/mocha-globals plugin.

To use it, add the plugin:

$ tap plugin add @tapjs/mocha-globals

From there, you can either import the interfaces from the plugin module itself:

import { describe, it } from '@tapjs/mocha-globals'

Or have them deposited onto the global object by setting the config:

$ tap config set mocha-globals=true

Assertion Synonyms#

Assertion synonyms (eg, t.is_not_equal() instead of t.not()) were deprecated in v16. In v18, they are moved to the optional @tapjs/synonyms plugin.

Disabling coverage#

In tap v16, you could disable coverage by setting --no-cov on the command line, or setting cov: false in the config. Coverage would not be checked unless --check-coverage was set.

In tap v18, this interface has changed:

You can get the v16 style --no-cov behavior by doing:

$ tap config set disable-coverage=true
$ tap config set allow-empty-coverage=true

To suppress the failure when coverage is incomplete, without disabling it entirely, you can use:

$ tap config set allow-incomplete-coverage=true

Coverage Reporting After the Fact#

In tap v16, if there were no test file arguments, and the --coverage-report option was set on the CLI, then it would generate a coverage report instead of running tests. This was a wart, and it has been removed.

To generate a coverage report after the fact, you can run tap report [type].

To replay the entire previous test run without actually running tests (ie, just report the results again), you can run tap replay.

test-regexp, test-ignore RegExp -> include, exclude globs#

Globs are usually a more ergonomic mechanism for specifying files and folders, compared with regular expressions. Tap v18 now conforms with the majority of build tools that use an array of include and exclude glob patterns, rather than a regular expression.

For example, this config setting in a .taprc file:

# tap v16 config, including with a regexp string
test-regex: "^t\/.*.([mc]js|[jt]sx?)$"

Would be equivalent in tap v18 to:

# tap v18 .taprc file, regexp converted to glob
  - "t/*.@([mc][jt]s|[jt]s?(x))"

Tap v18 also provides the special token __EXTENSIONS__ that can be used in the include glob expressions, so that you can tell it to automatically pull in any extension that tap knows how to load. So our config could be simplified to the much more readable and future-proof:

# tap v18 .taprc file, using __EXTENSIONS__
  - "t/**/*.__EXTENSIONS__"

Using Alternative Config Files#

In tap v16, you could specify the location of the .taprc file by using the --rcfile option. You could also put something like this in package.json:

  "tap": {
    "rcfile": "my-tap-configs.yml"

This got rather confusing and sometimes led to issues when it wasn't clear where and how the rcfile config could be set.

In tap v18, the configuration is simpler and more strict, while also more extensible than it was before.

  1. If a .taprc file is in the project root, start with that. Otherwise, if a package.json file is present in the project root, use that, and look for a "tap" object.
  2. Parse all the fields present in the config. If it has an extends field referencing a file or dependency, load the configuration from the extends target, and then apply the current config file on top of it. (If it's a dependency, look for a package.json or .taprc within the dep.)
  3. Continue until no more extends left to resolve.

So, in the example above, you could put this in your package.json instead:

  "tap": {
    "extends": "my-tap-configs.yml"

For cases where you need to set the initial root config file dynamically, you can set the TAP_RCFILE environment variable to either a package.json file or a yaml tap config file. Note that in tap 18, this can only be set in the environment, not on the command line or in a config file.

$ TAP_RCFILE=/path/to/dynamic/config.yml npm test

Other Config Stuff#

The jsx, flow, and ts options are removed. To disable TypeScript and JSX support, remove the @tapjs/typescript plugin with tap plugin rm @tapjs/typescript.

The passes option is added, which will report on all passing tests as well as failures.

Options related to nyc are removed, as nyc is no longer used.

The options --expose-gc, --harmony, --debug, and --debug-brk are remoed, as they are extraneous with --node-arg.

The --libtap-settings option is removed, as libtap is no longer used.

The --nyc-version and --parser-version options are removed, in favor of the tap versions command, which prints all versions of relevant modules.

Additional configuration options are added by plugins.