Node TAP 21.0.0

Test Anything Protocol

tap is a JavaScript implementation of the Test Anything Protocol. TAP is a highly parseable, human-readable, loosely-specified format for reporting test results. It rose to popularity in the Perl community, with CPAN's Test family.

This protocol is how child test processes communicate their success or failure with their parent process.

Most of the time, you'll view tap's output using one of the reporting options. However, occasionally it's useful to view the raw output for a variety of reasons. For example, you may wish to run a test file directly, or store TAP output for later analysis.

The easiest way to generate TAP is by using the functions in tap's API. But if you have a different kind of program that you would like to consume with tap's test runner, you can just print TAP to standard output in any way you please.

This page describes the TAP format that tap supports.


TAP streams generally start with TAP version 14. This isn't strictly required by tap, but since some other TAP implementations do require it, tap always outputs TAP version 14 as the line.

There's no way to set the version in this library. It's always 14.

tap will properly consume any TAP stream up to version 14.

Since some TAP consumers get upset about an indented version declaration, the version in Subtest streams is always stripped out.


Every TAP stream must contain a "plan" either at the beginning or the end of the set of test points. The plan lists the range of test point IDs that are expected in the TAP stream. It can also optionally contain a comment prefixed by a #.

A plan of 1..0 indicates that the test file is completely skipped, and no tests are expected.


1..0 # skip this test file, no tests here
5..8 # only run tests 5 through 8

When consuming a plan, tap will accept any of these. However, when generating test output with tap, you may only set the end of the plan to indicate the number of tests you expect to run (or expect to have run).

Plans cannot be set in the middle of a test set. That is, they have to come before all the test points, or after all of them.

To set a plan in tap explicitly, use the t.plan(n, [comment]) function. If you end a test by returning a promise or calling t.end(), then a plan will be automatically generated at the end of the stream.

Test Point#

Sometimes called an "assert" or "test line", this is the core of the TAP format. A test point consists of 4 things:

  1. Either ok or not ok. This is required. It specifies whether the test point is a pass or a fail.
  2. A optional numeric identifier. This is a check to ensure that test points are correctly ordered, and that the output is reasonable. tap does not let you set this number explicitly. It assigns test point IDs based on its own internal counter.
  3. An optional message, which may be prefixed by a - character.
  4. A directive, prefixed with a # character. (See below)

After a test point, there can be some YAML diagnostics.

not ok 2 - that last test point was pretty bare
  but: this one
    - lots
    - of
    - stuff

The most common way to generate a test point in tap is to use one of the assertion methods. Test points are also generated for subtests, and to communicate failures for unfinished tests, exceeding a plan count, and anything else that might go wrong.


A directive is similar to a comment, but communicates some information about a test point.

A test point can be marked as todo to indicate that it is going to be implemented later, or skip to indicate that the test should not be performed in the given context. todo and skip are handled programmatically to indicate these states. Failures of todo or skip test points will not be treated as failure overall.

A test point associated with a Subtest can also have a # time=... directive indicating how long the subtest took to run.


not ok 1 - this will pass some day # todo
ok 2 - unix stuff # SKIP do not run on Windows
# Subtest: child test
ok 3 - child test # time=12ms

In this case, we see a test that failed, but that's expected, because it hasn't been implemented yet. Then, test point #2, we're skipping because we're on Windows. Lastly, there's a child test stream that took 12ms to complete.

Overall, a passing test stream :)

To set a todo or skip directive, pass { todo: reason } or {skip: reason} in either an assert or subtest method. If you don't wish to provide a reason, you can pass {todo: true} or {skip: true}. You can also mark subtests as todo by omitting the callback function.

YAML Diagnostics#

Diagnostics can be used to provide additional details about a test point. They are a YAML object indented by 2 spaces, starting with --- and ending with .... YAML diagnostics are associated with the preceeding test point.

TAP version 13

ok 1 - everything is ok, just very communicative
  yaml: is
  so: true
    - every
    - vector

not ok 2 - failing, gonna tell you why
    fileName: foo.js
    lineNumber: 13
    columnNumber: 4
  message: A message describing the error
  thrown: true


In tap, diagnostics are printed by default with failing tests, but not with passing tests. You can change this default by setting TAP_DIAG=0 in the environment to make it not print diagnostics with failing tests or by setting TAP_DIAG=1 to make it print diagnostics with passing tests by default. Setting { diagnostic: true } in a test point options object will always print diagnostics. Setting { diagnostic: false } will always omit diagnostics.


A subtest is an indented TAP stream that is a child of the current set of tests. It can be used to group test points together, consume the output of a TAP-producing child process, or run tests asynchronously.

The summary test point ensures that TAP consumers that ignore indented lines will at least report on the passing status based on the summary.

# Subtest: child test
    ok 1 - each line just printed as it comes
    ok 2 - this is fine
ok 1 - child test

# Subtest
    ok 1 - if no named, then summary test point has no description
ok 2

The most common way to run subtests is via t.test(...). See Subtests for more info.


Pragmas are a way to set arbitrary switches on the parser.

The only switch that is treated specially is strict. When in strict mode, any non-TAP data is treated as an error.

TAP version 13
pragma +strict
ok 1 - this is very strict
so this line here is an error
not ok 2 - that line failed
pragma -strict
but this line here is fine
ok 3 - because garbage data is allowed in non-strict mode

Set pragms in tap by doing t.pragma({ keys: values, ... }). The object can contain any number of keys, but only strict has any meaning to tap itself.

Bail out!#

Sometimes a set of tests hits a state where there's no point continuing. Or, perhaps you just wish to stop on the first failure to work on errors one at a time with a faster turnover.

In this case, TAP allows a "bail out". A bail out is much more extreme than a test point failure. It means that everything should come to a halt, all the way up to the highest level test harness. Nothing should come after a bailout. Any plan is dropped, test points ignored, and so on.

TAP version 13
# Subtest: child
    # Subtest: grandchild
        ok 1 - here we go
        Bail out! Nope.
Bail out! Nope.

You can generate a bailout explicitly by doing t.bailout(reason). You can also have tap bail out on any test failure by setting TAP_BAIL=1 in the environment, or by setting { bail: true } in a child test options, or by running with the tap command-line interface and passing the --bail flag.

Comments and Other Stuff#

Anything that starts with a # and is not a directive or subtest prefix is treated as a comment, and ignored.

Anything that isn't parseable as one of the above types of lines is considered "extra" non-TAP data. In strict mode, extra output is an error. In non-strict mode, it's ignored.

The tap runner ignores comments unless --comments is provided, in which case it is printed to stderr. Non-TAP data is passed through the reporting engine and printed to the top-level process standard output. This means that console.log('foo') will make its way to the top level, instead of being swallowed by a reporter.

You can generate comments by doing t.comment('foo'). This function takes any arguments that can be passed to console.log(). For example, t.comment('number %d and\nobj =', 1, { foo: 'bar' }) would output:

# number 1 and
# obj = { foo: 'bar' }